8th Grade Open House

Add to Calendar 2025-01-26 00:00:00 2025-01-26 23:59:00 America/New_York 8th Grade Open House

Save the date!  The 8th Grade Langley Open House will be held on Sunday, January 26th 2025, 2-4pm.  Eighth-grade students and their families are invited to attend an information session presented by administrators, tour the building, and chat with experienced parents, students, and faculty.  Come and see all of the reasons that Langley is an incredible community with amazing opportunities for our students to thrive.  

Please register here if you are interested in joining us, and forward to any local families who might be interested. 

no event location specified TRANSPARENT

Save the date!  The 8th Grade Langley Open House will be held on Sunday, January 26th 2025, 2-4pm.  Eighth-grade students and their families are invited to attend an information session presented by administrators, tour the building, and chat with experienced parents, students, and faculty.  Come and see all of the reasons that Langley is an incredible community with amazing opportunities for our students to thrive.  

Please register here if you are interested in joining us, and forward to any local families who might be interested.