Core & Elective Course Presentations

Learn more about course options for the school year.

Welcome to our Virtual Curriculum and Electives Fair for the upcoming school year. Please review the videos and materials below for details on our core and elective course offerings. Core courses are courses that are required to graduate. Elective courses are courses that you take by choice in addition to your core academic classes. 

Please see the dropdown menus below for brief videos about core and elective courses available to Langley students for the upcoming school year. This information will be instrumental during academic advising and course selection in January, February and March. 

Core Course Information

Information includes

  • amount of homework given nightly
  • teacher expectations of their students
  • projects due throughout the year
  • skills needed for success in the course
  • differences between the general level/honors level and/or AP level
  • time management
  • commitment, balance, and work ethic requirements
  • work samples from all levels of the course
  • differences in textbooks by levels

Regular courses vs. advanced placement and honors courses. What is the difference between them?  What is right for you? View our core course presentations for the upcoming school year.

Elective Course Information

Elective courses are courses that you take by choice in addition to your core academic classes. Please see the videos below for more information on elective courses.

CTE (Career and Tech Ed)

Computer Science


Fine and Performing Arts


Health and Physical Education

Languages of the World

The videos below discuss each language at all levels offered, with exception of DE and AP Spanish, which has its own video.


Social Studies

Academy Courses

  • A high school academy is a center within an existing high school that offers advanced technical and specialized courses that successfully integrate career and academic preparation.
  • Enrollments in the Academy elective course offerings will provide students with career and academic preparation for postsecondary education and/or career fields. Students enrolling in Academy elective courses will be provided with opportunities to participate in a variety of career experiences including shadowing, mentoring, and/or internships with local businesses.

For more information on FCPS Academy Courses, please see the Academies and Specialized Programs page.

Elective Applications

Two Langley HS electives require applications.