Chemistry vs Chemistry Honors

Science Curriculum Night

Skills for Success in All Chemistry Classes

Academic Skills

  • Problem solving
  • Application of math skills (fractions, percents, ratios, basic algebra)
  • Critical thinking
  • Technical reading & writing
  • Study skills
  • Comprehension rather than rote memorization
  • Laboratory skills, including lab safety

Personal skills

  • Independence
  • Personal responsibility
  • Self-advocacy
  • Resilience & perseverance
  • Time management

Things to consider…

All chemistry classes will require a change in study habits for most students! Rote memorization is insufficient.

Regular attendance is also crucial to success.

Honors classes move at a faster pace, cover more material and in greater depth.

Honors classes are taught differently! Science fair is not the only difference. Students will receive less direct instruction and more independent problem solving opportunities.

Dropping from honors to standard may not be an option; it depends on class sizes and student schedules. Choose wisely!

Honors students already must have strong mastery of basic concepts covered in middle school and basic arithmetic. Minimal time is devoted to reviewing these concepts.

Algebra ii is a corequisite for honors chemistry.

Students generally are more successful in honors chemistry if they have earned:

  • B or better in honors algebra i -or-
  • A- or better in standard algebra i
    • Biology grades are poor indicators of success in chemistry.
    • Number sense is more important than overall grades in math classes.
    • Scores on math exams are better indicators than overall grade in math class.

Standard vs. Honors Labs

Standard chemical reactions lab

Place a dropper full of hydrochloric acid into a test tube. Add a small piece of magnesium to the tube and observe.

  • List evidence of a reaction.
  • Solid magnesium metal produces hydrogen gas and aqueous magnesium chloride when mixed with aqueous hydrochloric acid. Write the balanced equation for this reaction.
  • Identify the type of reaction that occurred.

Honors chemical reactions lab

Develop procedures to create one single replacement reaction and one double replacement reaction using the chemicals and equipment listed below. You must include observations and/or diagnostic tests listed below to support your work. You may use your periodic table, ion sheet, solubility chart and activity series while working. Write balanced equations for each reaction.