Cell Phone Policy

Langley Cell Phone Policy 

Cell phone use not allowed in class, restrooms, or locker rooms. 

1st Violation | Teacher warning-Student notification of consequences. 
2nd Violation |  Teacher discretion-Student and parent notification
3rd Violation  | Teacher assigns consequence-parent phone call
4th Violation  |  Administrative referral, & one hour of Saxon Time detention
5th Violation  |  Administrative referral, one hour of After-School administrative detention, & loss of parking pass for 2 weeks.
6th Violation  | Administrative referral, Saturday School (3 hours), & loss of parking pass for 2 weeks.
7th Violation  |  Administrative referral, Saturday School (3 hours), parent conference, & loss of parking pass for one month.
8th Violation and up  |  Handled by Administration

Please Note: If a student does not comply with teacher directive, a referral will be made for insubordination