Technology Updates for the 2024-2025 School Year

Important Technology Updates for the 2024-2025 School Year

Lightspeed Classroom Management: As part of our commitment to creating a safe and focused learning environment for our students, Langley High School is using a classroom management tool that will help teachers better connect with student devices during classes. This tool will provide teachers with a number of helpful features: 

  • Easily view student screens in real time from the teacher console to see which students may need guidance or support. 
  • Focus student attention on a particular website on their device to minimize distractions. 
  • Pause student access to the internet to focus on other classroom tasks. 

We believe this classroom management tool will allow us to maximize class time to support your student’s learning while at school. Please note that student devices will not be monitored outside of school hours. The regular filters remain in place on school devices, but once they are home, teachers cannot monitor students. As parents, we would like to encourage you to sign up for your own Lightspeed reports(link is external), which will allow you to see how your child is spending time on the computer during and after school hours.

Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of technology that involves computer programming and data. There are many different types of AI tools. Some can use data to make predictions, decisions, and/or generate content. Teachers will specify when it is acceptable for students to use AI on any part of an assignment. Teachers will also review expectations for citing AI as well as how students should show their work and explain their use of AI. Students should follow the FCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities(link is external) and the Honor Code(link is external) to maintain academic integrity. Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the work they submit. Students should not use AI on an assignment unless the teacher has given permission. AI tools can produce false information called “AI hallucinations.” Students should always check what AI creates. Students should make sure it matches the needs of the project and audience. Students remain responsible for the content they submit.

Before using AI tools on assignments, students should ask their teacher(s): 

  • if AI can be used on any part of an assignment,  
  • how it can be used,  
  • how to show their work, and  
  • how to cite or explain their use of AI.  

In general, students should not enter any of the following information into AI Tools: 

  • personal information (name, date of birth, etc.); 
  • education records (grades, transcripts, etc.); and 
  • work that belongs to others.

You can search the FCPS Digital Ecosystem Library(link is external) (DEL) using "AI" (in quotes).  It will show you which AI tool features are approved for use on FCPS devices or networks. The DEL provides information on approved audiences for each tool. Student use of AI must comply with the Student Rights and Responsibilities(link is external) (SR&R). This includes the Acceptable Use Policy in Appendix A of the SR&R. 

Personal devices may enable access to AI tools not approved in the DEL. 

  • Teachers will not require the use of AI tools that are not approved in FCPS.  
  • Parents/Caregivers decide what access to AI tools is appropriate on personal devices.  
  • Parents and students should read the AI tool's terms of service and privacy policies. Find out what kind of information the AI tool can collect, use, and share and what age students must be to use the tool. Check who retains rights to the data entered, the ability to delete data, and the ability to opt out of data sharing. Be aware that some AI tools may keep the information students enter and use it without permission. Students might not keep all rights to their work. 
  • Students should be careful with any information you give an AI tool. 

Parents can explore resources from CommonSense Media: Resources on AI(link is external) and Parent Tips and FAQs(link is external).

Regardless of whether a student uses a personal device or an FCPS device, students must follow teachers' expectations, the Honor Code, and SR&R.